29 Aug 2008

New blog

Posted by jofr

This is the beginning of a new blog: the first post of a fresh, new blog. As Hermann Hesse said in his poem “steps” (“stufen”): “a magic dwells in each beginning” (“jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne”). In the beginning there is indeed some kind of magic: the first post in a blog, the first registration in a new community, the first page in a book.

This blog is supposed to replace the old blog of the CAS-Group , together with a set of other sites and a community (or social network) which is going to be written first. As the name says, the topics revolve around complex adaptive systems – this includes complex systems, complexity, multi-agent systems, agent-based models and swarm-intelligence. Occasionally there will be some posts about new forms of AI, new kinds of science, and new forms of technology as well.

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